The Pineapple Army
Sonntag, 06. Juli 2014, 1:16 AM
Hey to all the little pineapples out there ;)
Welcome to my Blog, that is going to be something like a newspaper, I guess.
Yes, that would be a good way to describe it.
Or not.
I don't know, but my aim is it, to improve my English, as I'm not a native speaker.
So in advance, if I make any kind of mistakes and you notice, PLEASE tell me :)
I'll start writing some articles about topics, of which I think they are interesting, as soon as I've got enough time.
Looking forward to having you read them ;)

Mrs. Pineapple


ryan tedder, 2014.07.11, 00:34
Hey Pineapple!
(May I call you Pi?)
It's quite a good idea... I think there are a few mistakes with the commas, but I don't know that for sure too, because, obviously I'm not a nativ speaker either...
(BTW, I'm the other one on the blog of Luce - we have one account together but she's LUCE and I'm Mer-Yan just to avoid confusation...)
LG, Mer-Yan

Hey Mer-Yan! ~
Of course you can call me Pi ^^
Ok, maybe you can tell me, if you feel like doing it :)